Resource Highlight | Making the Case for Culture: Building Community Identity and Pride (Creative Cities Network of Canada) – Artbridges

Resource Highlight | Making the Case for Culture: Building Community Identity and Pride (Creative Cities Network of Canada)

Resource Highlight | Making the Case for Culture: Building Community Identity and Pride (Creative Cities Network of Canada)

Making the Case for Culture: Building Community Identity and Pride
Creative Cities Network of Canada | Canada wide | 2005
Steven Dang, Elise Finnigan, Katie Warfield

Key arguments and background info for demonstrating how culture can foster social cohesion and belonging, tourism, and collective memory.

« The arts have been instrumental in facilitating social cohesion, bringing tourism to unlikely places, fostering a sense of belonging, and preserving collective memory. Culture-based businesses and organizations:
1. The arts help to facilitate social cohesion.
2. Arts and culture can be used to brand a community and set it apart from others.
3. The arts can help foster a sense of ownership, belonging, and pride within a community.
4. The arts help to preserve a collective memory and foster a continuing dialogue about the past. »

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