Rittenhouse Transformative Justice 101 Training (May 15, online)

Rittenhouse Transformative Justice 101 Training (May 15, online)

« Join us for our first (of many to come!) Transformative Justice 101 training online. TJ 101 is an online workshop that will cover the foundational principles & basic practices of Transformative Justice work with communities. 

*NOTE: We are waiting for the event platform to activate registration. We apologize for the delay. Please see our linktree for more registration info and to sign up for an email notification form.*


TJ 101 is an online workshop that will cover the foundational principles & basic practices of Transformative Justice work with communities.

$20-$200 sliding scale
*if you pay $23, it covers the cost of the facilitator and tech support
*if you pay $50, it covers the cost of the facilitator, tech support, and ASL interpreter
*if you pay more, it supports folks who arent able to pay the fee to access this training and ensures the facilitator and other support folks make a decent wage
*if you pay more, it supports Rittenhouse to continue to develop and provide TJ trainings, pay a decent wage to many TJ educators and facilitators, to hire ASL interpreters, and ensure these knowledges and skills are accessible to many income levels

5 spots are free (first come first serve)
More trainings and more free / accessible spots will be available in the future. Email us to learn more: naty.rittenhouse[at]gmail.com.

Automatic closed captioning on zoom
ASL interpreter (will be provided upon request; will not be provided if not requested – request at end of ticket purchase)

Please email naty.rittenhouse[at]gmail.com if you have other questions.

1) Who is this for? Who should sign up? How can TJ support people in their current roles/life?

Everyone!!! This training is for anyone interested in unpacking the impacts of our current punitive justice system & dreaming about other possibilities. It is for folks interested in building their capacity to support community based alternatives to the police to address violence & harm. People wanting to learn about conflict negotiation or supporting Healing & Accountability processes. Activists, educators, artists, healers, community organizers, aunties & abolitionists alike can gain insights & practices for #KeepingEachOtherSafe

2) What to expect?

  • Building upon Anti-racist & anti-oppression theory,
  • Self reflection & locating oneself inside community organizing
  • Thought provoking conversations,
  • Exploring critical concepts,
  • Picking up new tools,
  • Skill & wisdom sharing
  • Interactive curriculum & case studies,
  • Space to imagine other models of community justice,

3) What not to expect?

  • All the answers,
  • A clear pathway to achieving transformative justice for all situations,
  • Simple or binary solutions,
  • Shaming, calling out, cancelling

4) What should you come to this workshop with?

  • An open heart & mind
  • Writing/drawing materials
  • Questions, challenges, concerns, ideas & hopes you have around TJ work

5) Pre-reading/watching (optional)

What is Transformative Justice? – Barnard Center for Women Studies

More about Rittenhouse and Transformative Justice:
This work is informed by a commitment to transformative justice, based on the work of Rittenhouse founder Ruth Morris. Transformative justice is a perspective that emerged from indigenous justice practices. It focuses on healing, rather than revenge, and considers questions of justice and injustice in relation to both interpersonal and social-structural issues. Transformative Justice is concerned with the promotion of just processes as well as just outcomes, and assumes that the two are inherently linked. A transformative approach views conflict as an opportunity to work with affected parties and communities to address underlying sources of harm, and to transform those conditions. It assumes that the people most affected by conflict should be directly involved in processes of resolution and justice, to the greatest extent possible. Transformative Justice recognizes the importance of accountability and responsibility, both for individuals and for organizations involved in justice work. It seeks non-exclusionary outcomes that maintain relationships between people and communities. »

For more information, please visit: https://linktr.ee/rittenhouse.anewvision

-from Rittenhouse

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