Round Table Conversation: Artistic Excellence in Community-Engaged Arts/Neighbourhood Arts Network (Toronto) – Artbridges

Round Table Conversation: Artistic Excellence in Community-Engaged Arts/Neighbourhood Arts Network (Toronto)

Round Table Conversation: Artistic Excellence in Community-Engaged Arts/Neighbourhood Arts Network (Toronto)

NAN_artisticexcellencePhoto courtesy of Art Starts, Villaways

« Round Table Conversation: Artistic Excellence in Community-Engaged Arts, Neighbourhood Arts Network (Toronto)

Please join the Neighbourhood Arts Network and MABELLEarts for a discussion on March 17th.

When it comes to community-engaged arts, what does ‘artistic excellence’ mean to you?  How is the idea of artistic excellence relevant to the work you do?   Join the conversation on Thursday, March 17!

Share your thoughts and hear from others who are active in the field, including folks from Jumblies Theatre, Whippersnapper Gallery, Ontario Arts Council, Asian Arts Freedom School, Art Starts, and more.  This is a great opportunity to meet other artists and cultural workers!

If you’d like to help get the conversation started, please send us an image and/or a short paragraph that relates to the idea of artistic excellence and community-engaged arts. We’ll post your submissions to the Neighbourhood Arts Network blog leading up to the event.

Thursday, March 17 from 1-3pm at MABELLEarts in Etobicoke

To register for this FREE event or submit an image, please contact or call 416.392.6802 x212. »

submitted by Skye Louis, Neighbourhood Arts Network

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