Seasons Greetings from ArtBridges/ToileDesArts! – Artbridges

Seasons Greetings from ArtBridges/ToileDesArts!

Seasons Greetings from ArtBridges/ToileDesArts!

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Seasons Greetings from ArtBridges / ToileDesArts!

To all our friends and community partners, we wish you a creative, joyful, community-engaged, artistic, restful, inspired, snowy, cozy, warm and wonderful time over the holidays!

And… if anyone is so inspired to doodle over the holidays… pick up a pencil, haul out your sketch pad and ignite your imagination… there are three Canada-wide contests / calls for submissions in community arts that we are aware of. Please pass this on to your friends, co-workers and/or fellow community arts program participants. You don’t have to be a graphic designer and perfection is not required. All are looking for imaginative and creative concepts from young and older Canadians. Here’s the info:

1) “Help us create a new logo for ArtBridges / ToileDesArts. We are calling creative stripes of all ages, from 3 to 130, to help us design a new logo that best represents the term “ArtBridging”. It doesn’t necessarily have to include an image of a bridge (though we do like our bridges).” Submissions due January 30th, prize available. See more here.

2) “ The Michaëlle Jean Foundation (FMJF) and EQ3 invite creative young people, 15 – 30 years old, to Imagine… a Better Community and submit original artwork depicting what they envisage to Generation Art.” Submissions due January 10th, prize available. See more here and watch this to learn more.

3) “ The Centre for Environmental Health Equity (CEHE) and the Sustainable Thinking and Expression for Public Spaces (STEPS) Initiative are seeking creative expressions on children’s environmental health issues for inclusion in the Knowledge Leaders in Children’s Environmental Health National Training Program.” Due January 30th, all ages. See more here.

All the best for a happy and healthy new year!

Seanna Connell
Project Director, on behalf of the ArtBridges / ToileDesArts team

p.s. If you haven’t received our newsletters, you can view them here in.pdf format: ArtBridges’ Second Newsletter! / Le deuxième bulletin de ToileDesArts! If you’d like to subscribe to future newsletters from ArtBridges / ToileDesArts, click here!

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