Season’s Greetings from ArtBridges / ToileDesArts!
To all our friends and community partners, we wish you a creative and joyful time over the holidays! All the best for a happy and healthy new year! Our small team is going to be taking a break from posting blogs, though we will be doing some behind-the-scenes work over the next few weeks. We look forward to reconnecting and posting about all the amazing community-engaged arts/arts for social change initiatives going on across Canada in the new year! Thanks for contributing or stopping by! Cheers!
ArtBridges / ToileDesArts vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes!
À tous nos amis et à tous nos partenaires, nous souhaitons un temps des fêtes créatif et joyeux! Nos meilleurs voeux! Nous vous souhaitons une heureuse année en santé!
–Seanna Connell, Project Director/Directrice de projet,
on behalf of the ArtBridges/ToileDesArts team / de la part de l’équipe d’ArtBridges/ToileDesArts