Seeking: Applicants for the Coastal First Nations Dance Festival in Vancouver B.C. – Artbridges

Seeking: Applicants for the Coastal First Nations Dance Festival in Vancouver B.C.

Seeking: Applicants for the Coastal First Nations Dance Festival in Vancouver B.C.


« The Dancers of Damelahamid produce the annual Coastal First Nations Dance Festival in partnership with the UBC Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver, BC. The Festival is a celebration of the stories, songs and dances of the Indigenous peoples of the Northwest coast of North America. The festival presents the rich cultural traditions practiced by dance artists from British Columbia, the Yukon, Alaska and Washington State as well as guest international artists and demonstrates that these traditions are very much alive, vibrant and relevant today.

Groups and festival artists invited to perform at the festival are selected primarily on artistic excellence and cultural integrity. Each year the festival hosts artists from a diversity of coastal communities in order to represent a cross section of First Nations from the Northwest coast of North America.

Groups or artists interested in applying to dance at future festivals should call the festival director Margaret Grenier at 604-922-5277 or email to request an application form. »

-submitted by the Dancers of Damelahamid
Read Dancers of Damelahamid’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-engaged Arts Directory & Map

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