Shapeshifters: 9 videos feat. Ontario Aboriginal artists & their tips for successful grant writing (Ontario Arts Council) – Artbridges

Shapeshifters: 9 videos feat. Ontario Aboriginal artists & their tips for successful grant writing (Ontario Arts Council)

Shapeshifters: 9 videos feat. Ontario Aboriginal artists & their tips for successful grant writing (Ontario Arts Council)

Shapeshifters[Watch the Shapeshifters Series HERE]

“Shapeshifters is a series of nine video profiles featuring Aboriginal artists in Ontario and speaks to the diversity and breadth of Aboriginal Arts in the province. The videos explore indigenous approaches to art, cultural revitalization and offer tips on applying for a grant. The series was co-produced by Thunderstone Pictures and the Ontario Arts Council, edited by Lawrence Jackman and Katharine Asals and with music from Edgardo Moreno. The Ontario Arts Council offers more than 60 funding programs for artists and arts organizations including Aboriginal arts. For more info:« 

Offered by the Ontario Arts Council, the Aboriginal Artists Materials and Supplies Assistance program provides grants of $500 to Aboriginal artists working in the visual arts, crafts or traditional Aboriginal art forms for the cost of buying materials and supplies to make their work. Click here for more information on how to apply.

Posted with permission from Sara Roque, Aboriginal Arts Officer, Ontario Arts Council

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