« As the world slows and quiets during this time of physical distancing, we’re able to listen more intently. Step outside and into nature – what do you hear?
Myths and Mirrors, in partnership with Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury and artists EMILIO PORTAL, WILL MORIN, and DARLENE, invite you to take part in a virtual art project exploring art, sound, and collaborative creation as we celebrate Mother Earth and the changing of the seasons.
1. Using your phone or digital audio recorder, record a sound from nature (45 sec max) and submit by email to mythsandmirrors@gmail.com. Deadline to submit is SUNDAY, MAY 24th.
2. Then join us online SATURDAY, JUNE 6th, 1-3PM, for a virtual workshop with EMILIO PORTAL and WILL MORIN as we share and weave sound to create a collaborative soundscape.
3. On SATURDAY, JUNE 13th, 1-3PM, join DARLENE for a vocalization/choral workshop and find out how you can add your voice to the project.
4. Artists are also invited to submit works of art inspired by the sounds of nature and/or the collaborative soundscape (once it’s available online). Submissions can be shared in the Facebook event page or submitted by email to mythsandmirrors[at]gmail.com.
5. On SATURDAY, JULY 4TH, 1-3PM, hear the final collaborative soundscape and share your own artwork inspired by the sounds of nature and this project.
For more information, contact mythsandmirrors[at]gmail.com. »