Sketch: June Programming Update (Toronto)

Sketch: June Programming Update (Toronto)

sketch-homeiswhere« Please note that we are no longer offering Open Studio programming on Thursdays at Parkdale Neighbourhood Church; that location has closed, and so for the month of June we have no Thursday Open Studio.

We are continuing to have:
Open Studio at Queen West Community Health Centre (Tuesday, 2-5pm)
Garden arts workshops (Tuesdays 5-7 at HOPE Garden; Wednesdays 3:30 – 5pm at Dunn Youth Garden)
Music continues (at Masaryk-Cowan Community Centre, by appointment only), and
-Movement is back this month with Kung Fu, Contemporary Dance, Mixed Martial Art Conditioning and Kalari (Wednesdays 12-4 at Masaryk-Cowan CC). »

Post with permission from Sonya Reynolds, Program Administrator, SKETCH Working Arts

For more information on SKETCH,  read our profile on SKETCH.
Please see ArtBridges’ Google map for contact information.

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