So You Want To Be An Artist? Youth Opportunity to Have Your Artwork Displayed at the National Gallery of Canada, Deadline April 1st – Artbridges

So You Want To Be An Artist? Youth Opportunity to Have Your Artwork Displayed at the National Gallery of Canada, Deadline April 1st

So You Want To Be An Artist? Youth Opportunity to Have Your Artwork Displayed at the National Gallery of Canada, Deadline April 1st

« So You Want to Be an Artist is a contest about art and you. Make an artwork about something you care about and post it on the National Gallery of Canada website. Then it’s up to your friends, family and other people to vote on the entries. The 12 artworks with the most votes will be displayed at the National Gallery of Canada, where our uber-cool judges will pick the best ones. »

« This is your chance to get your art out into the world. It doesn’t matter if you’re thinking about art school or have never picked up a paintbrush in your life – show us what you’ve got.

First Prize: A paid and personalized visit to the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa to learn about careers in visual arts and have their portfolio reviewed by an expert; and a $500 gift certificate for art supplies (total maximum value $3500).
Second Prize: A $1000 gift certificate for art supplies.
Third Prize: A $500 gift certificate for art supplies.

Timeline – There are three phases to the contest:
1. You have to submit your artwork image and an artist statement. You have from February 4 to April 1, 2013. No submissions will be accepted after 11:59 pm EST on April 1st!
2. You have to get people to vote for your artwork. Voting happens from April 8 to May 5, 2013.
3. The 12 artworks with the most votes will be displayed at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa, from June 10 to July 5, 2013. A jury of experts will come to the Gallery to select the top three winners. Winners will be announced on June 18, 2013.

Rules – For a contest like this, we obviously have to have a few rules (Visit and read them carefully. It’s a good idea to get your parents to read them too.):
– You have to be a resident of Canada and be 16 to 19 years old as of June 18, 2013 to be eligible.
– You can only submit one 2-dimensional artwork in any medium (photography, drawing, painting, etc). It can’t be any bigger than 18 x 24 inches (45.27 cm X 60.97 cm) so that it will fit in our display if it makes it into the top 12. Note that a photograph that documents an oversized artwork you made in another medium will not be accepted as a valid entry.
– Your artwork has to be an original. If your artwork includes images from popular culture, like the image of a famous person, an album cover, or a company logo, you have to prove that you have permission to include it in your artwork; otherwise your submission will be disqualified.

Visit for more details. »

Posted with permission from Lexie Buchanan, National Gallery of Canada

For ArtBridges/ToileDesArts sponsorship opportunities: Simon Constam, Sponsorship Director,, 905-537-7227
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