« Join us in celebrating the power of the performing arts in schools at Prologue to the Performing Arts’ Annual Showcase, Spotlight Prologue: Live Arts for Children and Youth.
Each year Prologue celebrates the vital role the performing arts play in inspiring, empowering and sparking the imaginations of children and youth through an accessible showcase open to young people, families, educators and friends. Join us on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at Young People’s Theatre as we present Prologue artists:
Ballet Creole
Kuné: Canada’s Global Orchestra
Mahlikah Awe:ri
UNITY Charity
Hosted by Prologue spoken word artist Britta B!
All attendees will have the chance to win a Prologue performance through a special draw! Pre-registration is required – this event is a Pay What You Can admission. »
For more information, please visit prologue.org/showcase
-from Prologue
Read The Possibility Fund and Prologue’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map