Tatamagouche Centre: ‘Theatre for Social Change’ Workshop (Tatamagouche, NS) – Artbridges

Tatamagouche Centre: ‘Theatre for Social Change’ Workshop (Tatamagouche, NS)

Tatamagouche Centre: ‘Theatre for Social Change’ Workshop (Tatamagouche, NS)

banner-clr-300dpiTheatre for the Living
January 28-30
Friday 7pm to Sunday 1pm

« This vibrant ‘theatre for social change’ technique, developed by David Diamond (Headlines Theatre, Vancouver), is based on Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed. Used in community-based cultural work to address issues such as violence, suicide-prevention, anti-racism, bullying and community development, it blurs the lines between actor and audience. The community tells their common story – a story perhaps unrealized – that is released through body and voice. Discover and apply this technique, using games and exercises as the “language” to express stories, explore moments of conflict, and discover solutions.
Leadership: Courtney Siebring studied under David Diamond and is an actor, mask-maker, writer, & workshop instructor. Rose Adams, Program Resource Group.
Cost: $360 ($200 tuition + $160 meals/accommodation)
To register or for more information: 1-800-218-2220 or www.tatacentre.ca« 

-submitted by Meghan MacCulloch, Promotions Coordinator, Tatamagouche Centre

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