The Circling Project (Myths and Mirrors Community Arts) – Artbridges

The Circling Project (Myths and Mirrors Community Arts)

The Circling Project (Myths and Mirrors Community Arts)

« Myths and Mirrors Community Arts, in partnership with Sudbury Community Legal Clinic and NISA (Northern Initiative for Social Action), welcomes 2-Spirit advocate and storyteller TEDDY SYRETTE for the launch of The Circling Project.

The Circling Project is a new initiative from Myths and Mirrors to bring people together to connect over ART + ACTIVISM + COMMUNITY SOLIDARITY. For more information, contact mythsandmirrors[at]
NISA @ 36 Elgin St., 2nd Floor
No cost / Dinner provided
Wheelchair accessible / Everyone welcome

* Please note, NISA is a scent-free space

TEDDY SYRETTE (Ozhawa Anung Kwe/Yellow Star Woman) is a 2-Spirit, queer Indigenous advocate and storyteller of Baawaating First Nation. Teddy has a diploma in social service work – Indigenous specialization from Sault College. Their background also includes theatre, community development and bingo. Teddy currently works as a facilitator advocating on issues relating to 2-Spirit/QTIP (Queer-Trans Indigenous People). They currently live, laugh and love in Toronto. »

For more information, please visit Myths and Mirrors Community Arts event page.

-from Myths and Mirrors Community Arts

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