The Jim Fay Music Bursary (Greater Toronto Area)

The Jim Fay Music Bursary (Greater Toronto Area)

« The Jim Fay Music Bursary is an annual financial award intended to support young musicians who wish to further their study or practice of traditional, folk or roots music. Inspired by the memory of Jim Fay, this bursary is available to youth who:

  • are (or were) using the services of a recognized youth agency or social services agency that supports homeless or “at-risk” youth
  • are between the ages of 16 and 24
  • are living in the Greater Toronto Area

Award amounts vary, up to a  maximum of $2,000.  The selected applicants may use their award money for the following:

  • the purchase of a musical instrument or related equipment,
  • registration and reasonable relevant expenses toward participating in a recognized musical workshop setting,
  • tuition to a music course or music program at College or University,
  • tuition or lessons at a private music institution, including personal private lessons,
  • a music practical or study experience that meets the terms of reference of this bursary that have not been listed above (applicants would need to make a case for his/her desired program/experience).

To be considered for the 2012 award, applications must be submitted by November 1st, 2012. »

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