Theatre Creators Reserve Grant (Ontario Arts Council) – Artbridges

Theatre Creators Reserve Grant (Ontario Arts Council)

Theatre Creators Reserve Grant (Ontario Arts Council)


« Theatre Creators Reserve Grant
Application deadline: December 1st, 2016

Are you a theatre artist or a playwright who identifies as a disabled, Mad, or D/deaf person?

Tangled is currently accepting applications for the OAC’s Theatre Creators’ Reserve funding. This program provides grants of $1,000 to $5,000 to assist theatre creators, playwrights, and informal collectives with costs related to developing a theatrical work, including developing relationships with other theatre artists.

Please read the Program Guidelines, which includes information about eligible expenses before writing up your application.

Application Guidelines
To apply for this funding, please submit:

  • 3 copies of an application form (to access this form, click here)
  • A resume or CV
  • A proposed budget (see Program Guidelines for a list of eligible expenses)
  • A brief description of your project (up to 500 words)
  • Support materials relevant to this grant application (eg: documentation of the work that will be performed).
  • A stamped, self-addressed envelope if you want your support materials returned.
  • Please email your completed application to with “Theatre Creators’ Reserve Grant Application” as the subject line.

You can also mail your application to:
Tangled Art + Disability
S-30, 401 Richmond St. W
Toronto, ON
M5V 3A8

Or drop your application off at:
Tangled Art Gallery
S-122, 401 Richmond St. W
Toronto, ON
M5V 3A8

We will get back to you within 3 weeks about whether or not we’ve recommended your project be funded by the OAC.

Application Support

Click here to visit our website for application support. »

-from Ontario Arts Council

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