« We are currently looking for people to participate in virtual, theatre-based workshop sessions as part of the script development process in this project. In these online sessions, experienced MCT facilitators will guide participants through engaging theatre-based activities designed to unpack participants’ insights, experiences, and perspectives exploring race and privilege, to contribute to the final Forum Theatre script that will be developed. The play will be performed virtually by professional actors for audiences across Canada in May/June to catalyze social change around racism. If these topics resonate with you, please join us for one of these sessions!
Project Description:
Mixed Company Theatre is researching, developing and will present an original new play about racism and white privilege. This play will be created in consultation with artists and community groups with lived experiences of the topics.
The play will be in the style of Forum Theatre, meaning the scenes presented to the audience will depict current challenges of race and privilege, as discovered through the consultation phase of the project. Then, audiences will be invited by an experienced MCT Artist Facilitator to comment on the challenging scenes, suggest changes, and replace characters directly in the scenarios to try out their own strategies to result in a positive, alternative ending to the play. In the process, audiences discover actionable ideas they can use when faced with these situations in real life.
The final performances in the project will be performed virtually by professional actors for audiences across Canada in May/June to catalyze social change around racism. »
For more information, please visit: https://mixedcompanytheatre.com/race-and-privilege-project/
-from Mixed Company Theatre