Upcoming: Culture Days Workshops Offered Across Ontario!

Upcoming: Culture Days Workshops Offered Across Ontario!


« Culture Days (Ontario) is offering new skills development opportunities for artists, professional and volunteer-run cultural groups, libraries, museums, municipalities and anyone else wishing to present an activity during the pan-Canadian celebration of arts and culture next September 28-30. Aimed at helping participants increase the impact and success of their Culture Days activities, a variety of workshops will take place in communities from mid-April to early June. [read more here]

More than 25 Information sessions are taking place in communities across Ontario hosted by community arts councils and municipalities. Culture Days staff will share tools and resources available to participants while encouraging networking and collaboration in the community.

“These learning events will help local activity organizers create rewarding experiences during the Culture Days weekend and have a positive impact on the public’s engagement in arts and culture throughout the whole year,” said Warren Garrett, Chair of the volunteer task force for Ontario Culture Days.

Information Sessions
Communities throughout the province are hosting Culture Days information sessions, where everyone is welcome to learn about tools, tips and resources available to Culture Days activity organizers. Early info sessions have already been held in London, Stratford and Cornwall attracting enthusiastic participants. Info sessions bring together artists, arts and cultural groups, municipal cultural staff, community arts councils, business improvement associations, local media and other people interested in forging
collaborations to organize Culture Days 2012 activities.

All info sessions are free to attend. The remaining information sessions have been scheduled:

  • June 4, 12pm – Trent Hills: Trent Hills Public Library – Campbellford Branch
  • June 4, 4pm – Cobourg: Northumberland County Economic Development & Tourism
  • June 5, 6:30pm – Guelph: Guelph Arts Council
  • June 6, 7:00pm – Oakville: Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre
  • June 7, 4pm – Kingston: Kingston Art Council
  • TBC – Kenora: TBC (Webinar)

Culture Days invites everyone to explore, discover and participate in arts and culture in every community across the country. In 2011, the second annual Culture Days event took place in more than 800 Canadian cities and towns, with attendance topping 1.2 million Canadians.

Last year, more than 1265 activities were presented across Ontario, a 36% increase over the first year’s participation levels This year’s Culture Days weekend will take place on September 28, 29 and 30, 2012. Once again, the event will feature free, hands-on, interactive activities that invite the public to participate “behind the scenes”—and to discover the world of artists, creators, historians, architects, curators, and designers at work in their community.

To register a Culture Days activity or to see who has already joined the movement, visit www.culturedays.ca
For more details about Ontario Culture Days announcements please visit: www.on.culturedays.ca.

For more information about Culture Days in Ontario: Aubrey Reeves,  Ontario Culture Days Manager, (416) 646-7469 1-800-387-0058 ext. 7469

-posted with permission from Aubrey Reeves, Culture Days

Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map for more information.

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