Upcoming: Jumblies & Making Room Community Arts Seminar with Noah Kenneally, Jan. 19 (Toronto)

Upcoming: Jumblies & Making Room Community Arts Seminar with Noah Kenneally, Jan. 19 (Toronto)



co-hosted by Making Room Community Arts

« Special Guest: Noah Kenneally presenting his work in Nunavik.
Location: Parc Activity Recreation Centre, 1499 Queen Street West
Date: Thursday January 19th
Agenda: 6:30: meet, greet, refreshments, 7:00: presentation, 8:00: questions, discussion, mingling, 9:00 end.
Cost: PWYC donations gratefully accepted

Solo Chicken Productions, led by Lisa Anne Ross, has coordinated the Nunavik Theatre Arts Program in Northern Quebec for nine years, working in schools in remote Inuit villages to develop community arts projects. In 2010 and 2011, Noah Kenneally joined the team as coordinator of the Innalik Mask and Puppet Project, in Inukjuak, Nunavik. Using masks, puppets and other visual theatre elements, the children of Innalik Public School tell stories about their experiences, their ideas and their community.

Noah Kenneally worked for several years as a community artist, primarily in visual theatre and performance. He was an associate artist with Jumblies Theatre for eight years. In 2008, he began undergraduate studies in Early Childhood Education at Ryerson University, and still did small community arts projects here and there. Noah plans to continue in academia for a while, and his graduate studies involve an inquiry into children’s autonomous spaces for for a while, and his graduate studies involve an inquiry into children’s autonomous spaces for play. »

-posted with permission from Ruth Howard, Jumblies Theatre

Please read ArtBridges’ Jumblies Profile and Making Room Community Arts Profile.
Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map for more information.

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