Upcoming: World Community Arts Day – February 17, 2011

Upcoming: World Community Arts Day – February 17, 2011

wcadlogo« INVITATION 5th World Community Arts Day
World Community Arts Day 17/02/11

To create a World Festival Society for a day.
 » We can either react in fear or anger to the state of our world thus becoming part of the problem or respond creatively and become part of the solution. »

You are invited to be part of a global celebration on 17/02/11. And it is our fifth birthday!

All we ask of you on that day is to do an arts project, however small or big. Be creative about an issue that you believe promotes « caring and sharing ». Song, dance, theatre, draw, paint, write, make, poem, photogragh, lecture, walk, tour, talk, art class anyway that you feel you are creative!

The first years have seen WCAD grow from a celebration of Reg Bolton to a global event from as far as Brazil, Slovenia, Scotland, Australia, USA, Ireland, Mexico and many more. All we ask of you on that day is to do an arts project, however small or large to mark this day. If you can mark the event on your website in the build up to it that would be great to. It is going to be our biggest yet.

Or join one of the social networking groups on Myspace, Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, etc.
PLEASE GO TO WEBPAGE TO SEE EXAMPLES OF WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN PREVIOUS YEARS: http://www.communiversity.org.uk/worldcommunityartsday.htm

-posted with permission from Andrew Crummy, World Community Arts Day

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