Update: Community Arts Ontario 2010 Kitchener Gathering

Update: Community Arts Ontario 2010 Kitchener Gathering

2010 Gathering Poster final1Click here to register.

Workshop 1: Weaving Ancestral Tapestries
presented by Zainab Amadahy and Marika Schwandt
Weaving Ancestral Tapestries
Ancestral memory is stored in the bones of our bodies. Zainab Amadahy and Marika Schwandt recount their “embodiment” experiences as participants in the Urban Ink’s Arrivals Workshops. Urban Ink has developed a unique and internationally recognized process that is based in the stories, voice and cultural practices of each artist’s personal ancestry. The workshop not only facilitates artistic development for the participating artists but promotes relationship building and collaboration across communities. By recovering our legacies and introducing our ancestral stories to each other we begin to transcend to new levels of pride, humility, mutual respect and gratitude for Creation.
Date: June 19, 2010
Time: 9:00 am to noon, 3 hours

Workshop 2: Digital Storytelling
presented by Dwight Storring
Building Community Narrative with Multimedia Storytelling
This hands‐on workshop will tap into participants’ skills and disciplines to create a unique community narrative. Participants will learn to combine traditional and digital storytelling techniques as they explore the local environment to gather their personal stories and reflections for a short digital production.
Things to bring: If you have access to and use any of the following tools please bring them to the workshop: digital still camera, sketchbook and drawing tools (8X10 inches or smaller) and digital audio recorder. Be sure to bring cords required to transfer pictures or sound to a computer. Some tools will be available on site.
Date: June 19, 2010
Time: Part one, 10 a.m. to noon – Part two, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map for contact information.

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