Update: Important News from SKETCH (Toronto) – Artbridges

Update: Important News from SKETCH (Toronto)

Update: Important News from SKETCH (Toronto)


« We’re excited to announce that SKETCH will move to Artscape’s Shaw Street Centre in 2012. Relocating to the west end of Toronto, SKETCH looks forward to repurposing an old school building into an innovative hub with other artists and arts organizations, devoted to supporting all that creativity offers to community!

SKETCH is taking the show on the road to ensure that young people in the far reaches of the Greater Toronto Area participate in SKETCH at Shaw Street.  This change is effective immediately!

Starting July 2011, we will embark on a daring journey, leaving the safety of our current 6000 square feet and offering SKETCH arts engagement projects at various community locations throughout the Greater Toronto Area.

For the last 14 years, SKETCH has offered innovative skill-building workshops and projects and supported youth organizing and leadership through the arts. Over 6400 young people who have lived street involved, homeless or otherwise marginalized from across the country, have contributed to creating a unique and accessible, arts based youth engagement practice.

With community partners in various sectors like health, education, social service and entrepreneurship, SKETCH will engage youth to know themselves, to find opportunities, to build skills and direction, and to become involved in making the world a better place.

SKETCH has only been able to develop and grow with the support of valuable partners like YOU. The success of this next move depends on our continued communication and partnership to support young people. Come join us on May 12 from 2-4 PM at SKETCH for our Community Partner Info Session where we will be sharing SKETCH’s programming plans for 2011-2012 as well as a glimpse of our new location at Shaw. Please let us know that you will joining us and RSVP to sonya@sketch.ca. If you cannot attend but would like to receive more information please e-mail us.

Programming is shifting quickly at SKETCH. We have attached our May and June calendar for you to share with youth. Please continue to refer youth to our programs. During this transition, we will be posting frequent communication on our website, Facebook, our bi-monthly e-newsletter, through emails, personal visits and phone calls. Watch for upcoming SKETCH events, Shaw Street Centre open-house visits, and invitations to partner up with us on SKETCHy action in the community.   We welcome your questions and comments at any time!

SKETCH at SHAW 2012 Capital Campaign: To support the move and prepare the new digs, SKETCH is launching an essential Capital Campaign.  We’re inviting partners to support the challenging task of moving over 6000-square feet of artistic creations, computers, community-kitchen ware and art supplies as well as hire youth to build out the new space. If you know of an organization or individual that would love to lend a hand in sponsoring or facilitating these efforts, please contact Dale Roy, Marketing and Communications Associate at dale@sketch.ca. »

– by Phyllis Novak, Artistic Director, SKETCH

SKETCH will continue to use the same contact information below:
119 Spadina Road
M5T 2T2

416-516-5428 (PHONE)
416-516-1559 (PHONE)
416-516-6286 (FAX)

– submitted by Sonya Reynolds, SKETCH

For more information on SKETCH,  read their profile.
Please see ArtBridges’ Google map for contact information.

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