« The Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival (VOAF) offers visual and performing artists facing social exclusion and other barriers opportunities for exhibition and sales, performance and participation, connection and learning. The 3-day free festival takes place at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre from August 10-12, 2018, and includes individual artists as well as organizational partners, workshops for artists and the public, and hundreds of artworks on display and for sale, alongside live art and other performance forms. Our primary values are inclusion and active participation towards strengthening a sense of community and creative citizenship among participants and the public.
Early opportunities to get involved include:
VOAF Organization Partners work with us to include an existing community of outsider artists in the festival in a group show format. We want to connect with those serving socially excluded artists as part of our ongoing work at CACV. Contact details below.
VOAF Organizing Committee meets every 2-4 weeks over the next 6 months and contributes to the planning, outreach, selection of artists, plus performance and exhibition design for the festival. Time commitment is flexible depending on availability. Committee volunteers are also encouraged to participate in the running of the event itself. Great opportunity to help develop a still-new festival in its second year after a successful 2017 launch. Encouraging POC, LGBTQ, Indigenous, youth, community artists and the disability arts community to help us build a festival that is even more vibrant and represents our city! Contact us by January 30. Details below.
Performing Artists in any form who self-identify as outsiders are invited to submit a short description of your performance (30-60 minutes) for early consideration. Performances can range from indoor, theatre-style seating with basic lighting/video/sound to outdoor, roving, interactive or participatory works. Fees will be paid. This is an open call and will be followed by a programming/curation process based on the proposals received. Apply by January 26 for early consideration: there will be a second artist call and application process. Application must include a 250 word bio of the artist or group and a link to a video or website of your proposed or a representative past work. »
-from CACV website
Read Community Arts Council of Vancouver’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory & Map