Videos: Stephen Leafloor of BluePrintForLife at TEDxOttawa

Videos: Stephen Leafloor of BluePrintForLife at TEDxOttawa

Social Work Through Hip Hop

BluePrintForLife’s Stephen Leafloor AKA Buddha spoke at TEDxOttawa!

I was so excited to see this video on youtube, it is so important to see Buddha’s passion and where he is coming from in his work. The best part of working at ArtBridges is talking to people like Buddha, only then can you truly understand why this work is so essential.
Stephen Leafloor AKA Buddha founded BluePrintForLife, he is a b-boy and social worker that uses arts for social change and the healing power of the arts to bring Social Work through HipHop programs to inner city, remote Inuit and First Nation communities. To see the ArtBridges story on BluePrintForLife click here to learn more about the great work that Buddha is doing.

Most recently, Stephen is doing a week long intensive in Calgary youth detention centre,  « This is the first time any such program has been used in our prisons for youth in Canada » says Stephen Leafloor.

-Ania Stypulkowski, ArtBridging Ontario Coordinator

Stephen/Buddha shared with us a few more inspiring videos: « Here’s another link you should see that is really powerful about outcomes created by the National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO) »:

« …also, here’s a sample of the online counselling videos we are producing on issues like anger, healing sexual abuse, etc. »

For more videos, see Buddha’s youtube page.

  – Posted with permission from Stephen Leafloor

Read our previous posts on BluePrintForLife: Profile (part 1), Profile (part 2) and Profile (part 3)

Check our ArtBridges Google map for more contact information.

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