Weekly Community Arts Trainings (SKETCH Working Arts, Toronto) – Artbridges

Weekly Community Arts Trainings (SKETCH Working Arts, Toronto)

Weekly Community Arts Trainings (SKETCH Working Arts, Toronto)

sketch-logo-2Here’s a great learning opportunity from SKETCH, as they’re offering weekly community arts training workshops to youth on the margins. The trainings have facilitated discussions around equity, intersectionality, accountability strategies, and more. To stay in the loop of future training sessions, subscribe to SKETCH’s newsletter or visit SKETCH’s website.

« SKETCH Working Arts provides arts engagement for youth living on the margins with arts based programs. The Community Arts Trainings, housed within the Community Arts Program, provide FREE training to youth aged 19-29 on various topics that are important for any community arts workers such equity and inclusion, facilitation and organizing, artistic development and entrepreneurship. These trainings are useful for anyone who is an artist regardless of art discipline and anyone who uses art as a tool for social change in their communities.

Artscape Youngplace,
SKETCH Working Arts’ Creative Enterprise Hub,
Lower Level,
180 Shaw Street,
Toronto, Ontario,
M6J 2W5
(This venue is wheelchair accessible and all gender washrooms are available)

When: Wednesdays, 2-5 pm
Who: Youth 19-29, who identify as living on the margins
RSVP: naty@sketch.ca

Take 5 or more of SKETCH’s Community Art Trainings and you will receive a certificate from AVNU!
Listings of upcoming workshops and activities that qualify for a certificate can be found on the AVNU website.

If you have questions about getting certified by AVNU, please contact info@avnu.ca
For more information about upcoming modules or about any access needs email Naty at naty@sketch.ca! »

-submitted by SKETCH Working Arts

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