While Having Soup / Le Temps d’une Soupe à Regina (ATSA & Common Weal) – Artbridges

While Having Soup / Le Temps d’une Soupe à Regina (ATSA & Common Weal)

While Having Soup / Le Temps d’une Soupe à Regina (ATSA & Common Weal)

« Common Weal Community Arts presents Le Temps d’une Soupe by Montreal artist collective ATSA (When Art Takes Action). The public are invited to participate in this relational artwork by sharing in conversation around relevant social issues While Having Soup. The event is documented and screened in real time as poetic portraits; photographs that capture the participants and reflect their conversations. The project has been running in locations across Canada and abroad since 2015, most recently in Mauritius, Madagascar, and France.

Saturday, September 28 | 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
The Regina Farmers Market


Sunday, September 29 | 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Nuit Blanche YQR

This work is presented thanks to local community partners, SaskCulture, Regina Downtown Business Improvement District, Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, the Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec, and the Programme d’appui à la Francophonie Canadienne. »

-from ATSA / Common Weal

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