With « Love » and « Heart »…it’s all in the name! – Artbridges

With « Love » and « Heart »…it’s all in the name!

With « Love » and « Heart »…it’s all in the name!

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Today we’re spreading the love…learn more about these amazing arts organizations making a difference in communities across Canada…and Happy Valentine’s Day!

Art from the Heart (Winnipeg)

Heart of the City Piano Program (Canada)

ArtHeart Community Arts Centre (Toronto)

Le Projet LOVE: Vivre sans violence (Québec)

LOVE (Leave Out ViolencE) Nova Scotia (NS)

LOVE BC / Leave Out Violence BC

Heart of the City Festival (Downtown Eastside Vancouver)

Far from the Heart (Ontario & Saskatchewan)

 “It’s going to take a lot of love to change the way things are…

  it’s going to take a lot of love or things won’t get too far…”

– Neil Young

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