Call for Submissions: Word Lens Photography Exhibit (Scarborough Arts) – Artbridges

Call for Submissions: Word Lens Photography Exhibit (Scarborough Arts)

Call for Submissions: Word Lens Photography Exhibit (Scarborough Arts)


« We’re making things clearer – we’re using the right words!

Yes, January 18, 2015 is Thesaurus Day and Scarborough Arts is celebrating this incredible resource used by people of all ages and stages as the inspiration for our next Bluffs Gallery exhibit, Word Lens.

The sky is the limit with Word Lens and we want a lively and thought-provoking exhibition. Words have power, so send us photographic images that explore both the subtle and obvious meanings of words. On the lighter end of things, we also want to see images that have fun with words.

Go ahead and think beyond the picture frame and send us your submissions – here are the submission guidelines:

  • Members and non-members alike are invited to submit up to two original pieces that must fit the theme Word Lens.
  • As submissions will be curated, we ask that you first submit images that are no larger than 72 dpi, 1 MB and in jpeg format, in any photographic style.
  • Your work can be black and white or colour.
  • The firm submission deadline is Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.
  • Please email your submissions to
  • We’ll review the submissions and notify those who have submitted work by 5:00 p.m. the same day,Wednesday, January 7, 2015.

If your work is chosen for Word Lens, it must be hang-ready by the drop off dates: Monday, January 12 and Tuesday, January 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., i.e. framed and with complete hanging mechanisms. Work not hang-ready cannot be displayed.

For more information, please contact Susan at 416.698.7322 or email her at

Word Lens runs at the Bluffs Gallery from Thursday, January 15 to Friday, January 30, 2015. »

-from Scarborough Arts newsletter
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