Workshop: Becoming a Muralist with Michael Cywink, May 4-5 (North Bay, ON)

Workshop: Becoming a Muralist with Michael Cywink, May 4-5 (North Bay, ON)

Community artist, Michael Cywink, is leading a two-day workshop on creating public art murals May 4th and 5th in North Bay. The hands-on workshop is open to everyone and the first eight people to sign up will have a portion of their registration fees subsidized by W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery and the Ontario Arts Council. Sign up today!
(Cora, ArtBridges)


« Becoming a Muralist: Conceptualizing, Proposing and Creating Public Art Murals
May 4, 2013 – W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery Downstairs Art Studio
May 5, 2013 – North Bay Regional Health Centre

ArtsHealth North and the W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery are proud to present a two-day intensive workshop on strategizing and creating murals for public locations on May 4 and 5 at the W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery and the North Bay Regional Health Centre in North Bay, Ontario. The workshop is open to artists, non-artists, students and healthcare professionals.

Michael Cywink, internationally acclaimed muralist and mentor who has created murals in many countries and across Canada, will lead this intensive master class on the planning, pre-production and creation of community and public murals.

Integral to this workshop is the « hands-on » component that Mr. Cywink promises to bring to the event. The artist mentor will be working with participants and their original ideas for murals to help either individual artists or collectives to realize the projects, Mr. Cywink will assist participants in producing designs for murals and production plans that will incorporate strategies for partnering with community groups and facilities.

The W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery and the Ontario Arts Council have subsidized the tuition cost for this workshop series. Thanks to these generous funders, the full cost for the first 8 participants is only $20. The unsubsidized cost of the program is $45 and the number of participants is capped at 12.

Day One of the series will begin at 10am at the W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery Art Studio on the basement floor. The studio is now fully accessible thanks to our new elevator. Day Two will also start at 10am and will be held at the NBRHC Art Studio in the new hospital.

For more information about signing up for this wonderful set of workshops, please contact Jaymie at the North Bay Regional Health Centre (705-474-8600 x 3164 or or Alex at the W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery (705-474-1944 x 231 or »

– Posted with permission from Alex Maeve Campbell
Gallery Coordinator, W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery

To read other ArtBridges’ posts about community artist Michael Cywink, please click here.
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For ArtBridges/ToileDesArts sponsorship opportunities: Simon Constam, Sponsorship Director,, 905-537-7227
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