Workshop: Create Art to Create Peace (Tatamagouche, NS) – Artbridges

Workshop: Create Art to Create Peace (Tatamagouche, NS)

Workshop: Create Art to Create Peace (Tatamagouche, NS)

create art peace

« Tatamagouche Centre
Create Art to Create Peace
Aug 14-16, Fri 7 pm to Sun 4 pm

Use the tools of the creative arts to find confidence in your own creative power, and discover how this relates to building cultures of peace.
Leadership: Maureen St. Clair, Tessa Mendel
Program Cost: $385 (tuition, meals & accommodation)
Local Price: $305 (without overnight)

We strive to make our programs as accessible as possible.
Please contact our Registrar to inquire about a bursary or payment plan.

We also have special 50+ bursaries available.

1-800-218-2220 »

-submitted by Tatamagouche Centre

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