Workshop: « Reclaiming Images: Decolonization Through Video” (Toronto) – Artbridges

Workshop: « Reclaiming Images: Decolonization Through Video” (Toronto)

Workshop: « Reclaiming Images: Decolonization Through Video” (Toronto)


Community Arts Ontario and OPIRG-Toronto present…

« Art of Decolonization Workshop Series

A participatory workshop series which explores how indigenous peoples express the experience of colonization across artistic disciplines, how colonization is resisted through arts expression, how art contributes to the maintenance/recovery of culture and language, the intersections of decolonization work for both racialized and indigenous communities and, how relationships within and among communities are built using artistic processes.

Date: August 24 2010
Time: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: University of Toronto – OISE (Room 2198)
Registration: $25; $20 students and CAO members

To register or for more information call Community Arts Ontario at 416 598 1128 or email

Workshop: Malinda Francis: « Reclaiming Images: Decolonization Through Video »

It is important to educate youth about the negative images which bombard them on a daily basis.  Educating the youth about these images enables them to contextualize what they see, and empowers them to create their own images, to tell their own stories.

Malinda Francis tells visual stories—that she draws from her experience—to communicate and connect with others within her community. An independent filmmaker, Francis has been working as a freelance filmmaker, camera operator and editor for 6 years. In addition to her own projects, she works on various community media initiatives. Her work explores themes such as urban living and migration. »

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