Workshop: Reframing Relations (False Creek Community Centre, Vancouver)

Workshop: Reframing Relations (False Creek Community Centre, Vancouver)

« Reframing Relations brings artists and the public together for arts-based dialogue about reconciliation in Canada. In this three part workshop, one Indigenous and one non-Indigenous artist-facilitator collaborate to design an artistic process for participants that will engage with themes such as identity, culture, history, and relationship with land and with each other. People of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds are invited to join this open exploration, which may include elements of visual arts, dance and movement, poetry and storytelling, and more. No artistic experience required, simply a willingness to be open-minded and hearted!

January 25, February 1 & February 08 – 11:00 AM-2:00 PM PST »

For more information, please visit False Creek Community Centre’s website

-from Community Arts Council of Vancouver

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