« Now in its 19th year, Youth Art Enrichment is an annual four-day art program for Yukon youth hosted by the Klondike Institute of Art & Culture (KIAC) in Dawson City.
Artistically-inclined youth aged 14-18 travel from across the Yukon to take part in intensive workshops with a professional artist. Students choose one of three courses to study for the duration of the program, in which they will hone their skills through daily exercises and explore creative ways to express their ideas.
The 2020 course options are A Printmaker’s Primer: Handmade Prints with Meshell Melvin, Act Your Mind: Theatre Creation & Performing Arts with Geneviève Paré, and Tell It Like It Is: Video Journalism & Documentary Filmmaking with APTN’s Charlotte Morritt-Jacobs
To apply & learn more, please visit the Youth Art Enrichment web page.
The ongoing success of the Youth Art Enrichment program is due in large part to the enthusiasm and positive mentorship offered by chaperones. Chaperones are fully immersed in the program and are the primary source of support for YAE participants.
If you are interested in applying as a chaperone for this year’s program please visit the Youth Art Enrichment Chaperone web page for more information and to apply! »
-from Youth Art Enrichment