Workshop: “Learn to use the arts in collaboration with peace circles to build skills in resiliency, conflict resolution and self awareness” (Nov. 26, Toronto) – Artbridges

Workshop: “Learn to use the arts in collaboration with peace circles to build skills in resiliency, conflict resolution and self awareness” (Nov. 26, Toronto)

Workshop: “Learn to use the arts in collaboration with peace circles to build skills in resiliency, conflict resolution and self awareness” (Nov. 26, Toronto)


Workshops for Emerging Artists Working In Education
Facilitated by: Damian Brown

Circle Keeping – Peace Circle Training
Delivered by Peacebuilders International (Canada)
Tuesday, November 26, 2013 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Studio 408 (4th Floor)
401 Richmond Street West

Learn to use the arts in collaboration with peace circles to build skills in resiliency, conflict resolution and self awareness. Through interactive circle training this workshop will provide hands-on experience with peace circle activities and will enhance pedagogical skills in teambuilding and communication. Arts educators will learn how to open dialogue on topics such as values (respect, honesty, commitment, empathy), conflict resolution, peer pressure and making positive choices. Incorporating peace circles into your community arts programs can result in increased youth participation in constructive community initiatives, decreased harmful activity and can contribute to a stronger sense of safety and belonging.

About the Facilitator:
Damian Brown is the Youth Projects Co-Ordinator at Peacebuilders International (Canada) as well as a Former United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) International Youth Ambassador and International Goodwill Youth Ambassador. Damian has received numerous awards and recognition for his work with at-risk youth in Toronto’s inner city neighbourhoods.

To register for this workshop contact: Brittany Turner at 416-929-9314 x 109 or
Space is limited.

Arts for Children and Youth (AFCY) is a registered charitable organization. We ally with high priority communities and empower marginalized children and youth by engaging them in hands-on, community and school-based arts education programs that respect existing cultural and community activity, resulting in participatory action and social awareness.”

-submitted by Arts for Children and Youth
Read Arts for Children and Youth profile in our Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts Sponsor

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