Create for Truth & Reconciliation: Make a piece of art for each of the 94 ‘calls to action’ in the TRC report

Create for Truth & Reconciliation: Make a piece of art for each of the 94 ‘calls to action’ in the TRC report


« WHAT: This is similar to the Ice Bucket Challenge, but different –> Overall Goal: To make a sketch, draw a picture, take a photo, or collage together pieces of art for every single one of the 94 “calls to action” in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

Your invitation: Join in to create at least one piece and invite at least 3 friends to do the same.

This is to support and amplify the work happening by the folks of #ReadtheTRCreport <– check it out. Watch the videos here.


  • Read over the calls to action, which are part of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report, and choose one that stands out to you (maybe you feel moved or inspired by it),
  • Then draw/sketch/paint/collage (or what ever your visual art form) something, perhaps a symbol, scene, self portrait, etc. that embodies the call to action,
  • Add the text of call to action into your art piece, as well as the hashtag #ReadTheTRCReport,
  • Share it and invite at least three (3) friends to do the same!
  • Pass along to Many Rivers Permaculture (Facebook) so it can be added to the “Mother Album”,
  • Post it to your Facebook page/wall, blog, website, etc. so that others can see your art.
  • If you plan on selling your artwork, I recommend gifting at least 50% of revenues to an indigenous-led organization in your community.

Feel free to copy and paste any of this to share.

WHO: The initial invitation will be made out to friends and family with hopes that it expands to all peoples across Turtle Island (North America). I wish to also create space to centre and amplify the existing artwork of indigenous artists who have been working for healing way before this project started. You’re all invited! Do you want in?

WHERE: In your home, in your community gathering places, in your schools, in your government buildings, in your public spaces, in the woods, in the meadows, in the lakes and ocean. Wherever you’re inspired to create!

WHEN: Let’s see what happens in the month of May.
1) Let’s aim for at least 300 unique pieces of artwork that focus on and amplify the “calls of action” in the TRC.
2) Let’s enjoy the artwork of at least 100 indigenous artists on Turtle Island (that will be approximately 3.33333 artists a day!).

WHY: I’ve been inspired over and over again by the resilience of the aboriginal communities, and the individual people, who have shown their power in defence of their way of life and the land (one and the same).

I want to help raise awareness of their efforts and support their actions to protect and heal, as well as to learn about the culture of the peoples on whose traditional territories I live. One of many actions  I’ve seen is #ReadtheTRCreport, which is a project that brought together people to read the whoooooole report in short YouTube videos. My hopes are that this mimics that project as the visual version. I understand that not everyone believes in the processes that lead to the creation of, or the results of, the TRC. However, it has made time and space to hear and share many voices, and it has provided many specific, achievable, and practical “calls to action”, which I agree will help to bring change. This project is to continue learning about reconciliation and how it happens.

I acknowledge that it is because of the systems of harm, such as colonialism and capitalism and white supremacy, annnnd patriarchy, and many others, that I have the free time and resources to be able to dedicate my time towards such a project. I acknowledge that my work for this project is taking place on unceded traditional territory of the Lekwungen peoples. I’m still learning and am open to feedback on this whole process. »

Click here for more info!

Posted with permission from Paul Wartman
Artwork courtesy of Paul Wartman

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