ArtBridges Guide to Community Arts Funding Highlights – Artbridges

ArtBridges Guide to Community Arts Funding Highlights

ArtBridges Guide to Community Arts Funding Highlights


Have you seen the ArtBridges Guide to Community Arts Funding? It’s a great place to start when you are looking for funding for your project. This free guide features over 80 funding programs plus helpful tools and resources from across Canada. Check out some highlights below, see the full guide on our website, and follow ArtBridges on Twitter & Facebook for more funding updates!

May Funding Deadlines

Aboriginal Peoples Collaborative Exchange: National and International Project Grants (May 15)
« The Aboriginal Peoples Collaborative Exchange (APCE) program provides support for Aboriginal artists to travel to other Aboriginal communities to collaborate in a traditional or contemporary artistic practice. This is a multidisciplinary program that is open to individual Aboriginal artists, arts groups, artists’ collectives and arts organizations. » (website)

Échanges coopératifs entre artistes des Peuples autochtones: Subventions de projets nationaux et internationaux (15 mai)
« Le programme Échanges coopératifs entre artistes des Peuples autochtones aide les artistes autochtones à se rendre dans d’autres communautés autochtones pour collaborer à des projets de pratiques artistiques traditionnelles ou contemporaines. Il s’agit d’un programme multidisciplinaire qui est ouvert aux artistes individuels ainsi qu’aux groupes, aux collectifs et aux organismes artistiques autochtones. » (site web)

Artists in the Classroom (May 27)
« Artists in the Classroom grants bring professional artists into schools for rich learning experiences. AIC grants support projects in schools across BC that demonstrate artistic excellence, high levels of student engagement, strong curricular connections, and an active partnership between an educator and a professional artist. » (website)



Preparing a Grant Application | Canada Council for the Arts

Préparer Une Demande De Subvention | Conseil des Arts du Canada

Grantwriting 101 Toolkit | ArtReach

Video: Preparing Effective Support Material for Visual Arts and Craft Grant Applications | Ontario Arts Council

Améliorer l’efficacité du matériel d’appui en arts visuels et en métiers d’art | Conseil des arts de l’Ontario

Arts Administration Practical Guide for Community-Engaged Artists | Arts & Health Project


For more resources, tools, guides, please visit the ArtBridges Guide to Community Arts Funding and ArtBridges’ Resource Portal.

-compiled by Skye Louis, ArtBridges Info Resource Developer

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