Artistic Storefronts Toolkit | Featured Resource

Artistic Storefronts Toolkit | Featured Resource

Youth Arts Toolkit (ANCY)

The ArtBridges Resource Portal connects you to community arts toolkits and research, reflections and stories, program ideas, and more. These resources have been developed and generously shared by artists and cultural workers in Canada through the course of their work.

Artistic Storefronts are an inspiring way to bring art, business, and community together. Using storefront space to showcase art is an innovative way to enliven existing spaces, and can inspire community members to connect with one another.

Inspired by festivals such as New Glasgow’s Art at Night Festival and the Hamilton Supercrawl, Arts Network for Children and Youth (ANCY) has published a special toolkit for youth who want to get started on planning their own downtown arts festival. Created by Rikhee Strap, How to Set Up and Create Artistic Storefronts lists some clear and easy-to-follow approaches to connect with businesses and activate empty storefronts with art.

National Youth Arts Week (organized by ANCY) takes place annually in May, and is an ideal time for youth to connect with businesses and maybe even start up a festival in their community.

To learn more about How to Set Up and Create Artistic Storefronts, please visit the ArtBridges Resource Portal.

-Skye Louis, ArtBridges Info Resource Developer

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