Call for Submissions: 22/23 Obsidian Playwrights Unit – Artbridges

Call for Submissions: 22/23 Obsidian Playwrights Unit

Call for Submissions: 22/23 Obsidian Playwrights Unit

« The 22/23 Obsidian Playwrights Unit is a national intensive play development program that will support 2 to 3 Black playwrights through virtual group sessions and individual mentorship. Facilitated by actor and playwright, Lisa Codrington, the unit will discuss and develop their plays culminating in a performance where each playwright has the chance to workshop an excerpt of their piece with actors and a director, and hear it read aloud at Obsidian’s annual Playwrights Unit Showcase in Toronto, ON. This is a paid opportunity.

Obsidian Theatre is interested in showcasing the richness and complexity of Blackness in all of its intersections across the nation so that our art can truly reflect the communities we serve. What stories do you want to bring to the stage and why? What does your idea/play bring to a Canadian stage that has not been seen before? These are just some of the questions we are interested in discussing and exploring as we begin the journey of developing new work.

For full list of past participants please checkout our website:« 

For more information, please visit:

-from Obsidian Theatre

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