« National Mural Symposium Fosters Exchange through Public Art
This November, mural artists and administrators will gather for Mural Routes’ 19th National Mural Symposium, to be held this year at the Spoke Club in Toronto. The gathering will be an inspiring and informative day of creative sessions and networking. The keynote address will be given by PA System (Alexa Hatanaka and Patrick Thompson), who have created public artwork and community-engaged works across Inuit Nunangat (Inuit homelands within Canadian arctic), Canada and internationally. PA System has recently produced a project by Embassy of Imagination for the Toronto Biennial of Art 2019. Registration is now open for this exciting event, coming up November 2nd, 2019.
This year we highlight and celebrate murals as a tool for Exchange and creative gateway for public dialogue. Presenters will share local and international projects and ideas to illustrate how the value of a mural lies not only in the art left behind, but in the process of exchanging skills, perspectives, stories and experiences.
Mural Routes is excited to welcome a wide array of speakers from across the mural field. PA System will kick off the proceedings with a presentation and discussion of their background with collaborative and socially-engaged projects. Jacquie Comrie will follow with a presentation and hands-on workshop around utilizing colour as a tool of social transformation to beautify city spaces while catering to the mental wellbeing of its inhabitants. After lunch, Rodrigo Ardiles, Michael Cavanaugh and Atessa Hooshvar will present their experiences with local and international mural art projects. The final sessions of the day will feature The STEPS Initiative, who will present their experiences with international exchanges with local impact, and StreetARToronto who will speak about mentorship and legacy through their programs.
The National Mural Symposium has been offered for over twenty years by Mural Routes, a Toronto-based not-for-profit organization dedicated to the creation, development, and promotion of public wall art. This event provides a space for mural artists, producers, administrators, and enthusiasts to connect, learn, and share experiences.
On November 2nd, 2019, the Spoke Club will be abuzz with mural artists, administrators, and enthusiasts.
The 19th National Mural Symposium is generously supported by our funders, the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council; our sponsors, StreetARToronto and Downtown Yonge BIA; and our Community Partner, YYZ Artists’ Outlet.
Full information and registration is available now at muralroutes.ca.«
-from Mural Routes
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