Narrative Wellbeing For Artists: Exploring Identity Through Writing (Artists’ Health Alliance) – Artbridges

Narrative Wellbeing For Artists: Exploring Identity Through Writing (Artists’ Health Alliance)

Narrative Wellbeing For Artists: Exploring Identity Through Writing (Artists’ Health Alliance)

« The role of writing in promoting wellbeing is an emerging field in personal and professional development. In this workshop, we will use writing exercises as an avenue to promote reflection, self-expression and insight into our professional identities as artists.

Writing is a creative and versatile medium to explore who we are and where we’re going as artists. The facilitator will cultivate a supportive and collaborative atmosphere for participants to reflect, write and discuss. Through structured exercises and discussions, we will explore our artistic identities and journeys. The link between writing and well-being will be emphasized.

This workshop is open to all artists. No writing experience needed!

Key Takeaways

  • Learn about the concept of professional identity & explore your own as an artist
  • Strengthen the connection between your artistic identity and your wellbeing
  • Develop the capacity to use writing as a tool for wellbeing

Please Note

  • This is not a creative writing workshop. Participants will discuss – not critique – each other’s writing
  • Please bring something to write with and something to write on, like your favorite notebook


Karen Gold, MSW, PhD facilitates workshops on creative writing, narrative medicine, and communication skills. As a visual artist she is drawn to printmaking, collage and, most recently, contemplative photography. She has over twenty years experience as a workshop leader, educator and social worker and currently works at Women’s College Hospital. She blogs about narrative at »

-from Artists’ Health Alliance website
Read Artists’ Health Alliance’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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