FemFest 2016: Transformation (Sarasvàti Productions, Winnipeg) – Artbridges

FemFest 2016: Transformation (Sarasvàti Productions, Winnipeg)

FemFest 2016: Transformation (Sarasvàti Productions, Winnipeg)


« Sarasvàti Productions presents FemFest 2016: Transformation.

The 14th annual festival featuring captivating plays by women for everyone, will take audiences through an emotional journey as they explore what it means to rise above and come out stronger than before. Everything from the real-life struggles of a transgender poet, a comedy-duo’s growing pains, to the perverse exploitation of young girls; FemFest 2016: Transformation puts the stories of brave women centre stage. Whether you see one production or the entire festival, you are sure to leave with a new understanding of the power of change.

Catch FemFest 2016: Transformation at the Asper Centre for Theatre and Film (at the University of Winnipeg) from September 17 to 24. Please visit our website, www.femfest.ca, to learn more about the FemFest 2016 lineup and purchase tickets. »



Read Sarasvàti Productions’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map.

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