FemFest 2018: Staging Resistance (Sarasvàti Productions, Winnipeg)

FemFest 2018: Staging Resistance (Sarasvàti Productions, Winnipeg)

« Sarasvàti Productions presents FemFest 2018: Staging Resistance! The 16th annual festival features life-changing theatre for everyone and will feature performers from Toronto to Morocco plus a new art walking tour.

Experience the powerful blend of Indian dance and theatre, hear from DIY theatre-maker Norah Paton, and take in an award-winning performer speaking truth to power using spoken word, storytelling and hip-hop. At FemFest 2018: Staging Resistance, the stories of brave and diverse performers take centre stage. Whether you see one production or the entire festival, you are sure to leave with a new understanding on what it means to embrace individuality.

Our amazing line-up includes:
The Game
Sound of the Beast
White Man’s Indian
La Civilisation, ma mère!

We’re also offering workshops and readings through the festival. For tickets and information, please visit: www.femfest.ca

About Sarasvàti Productions: Founded in Winnipeg in 2000, we seek to inspire artists and audiences through the use of theatre and to provide a place where artists can develop, showcase their skills and celebrate their creativity. FemFest has been up and kicking since 2003 and to date has showcased hundreds of artists! »

-submitted by Sarasvàti Productions
Read Sarasvàti Productions’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map.

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