Call for Applications: Mural Art Career Development 2018 (Mural Routes, Toronto) – Artbridges

Call for Applications: Mural Art Career Development 2018 (Mural Routes, Toronto)

Call for Applications: Mural Art Career Development 2018 (Mural Routes, Toronto)

« Applications are now open for Mural Art Career Development program!

Mural Art Career Development is a fully-subsidized, intensive program for emerging artists and project managers who have completed some previous training. As the only program of its kind in Canada, acceptance to the program is by application and subject to a selection process.

Mural Art Career Development will take place from May 1st to July 3rd, 2018, on Tuesdays and some Saturdays, at Centennial College Story Arts Centre and Mural Routes. The application deadline is Monday, March 5th at 5pm. For application guidelines and other information, please visit

The 60-hour curriculum encompasses a wide range of relevant topics, from discussions of administrative fundamentals to hands-on practice with various mediums. Participants also benefit from a supportive environment with networking and placement opportunities.

Led by experienced professionals, the program is designed to provide committed artists and managers with skills specific to mural-making. Skills ranging from budgeting to community consultation are developed through in-class and hands-on workshops. Students also have the opportunity to make connections with established artists, collaborate with each other, and gain experience.

Mural Art Career Development saw a 60 per cent increase in applications in 2017 with one student travelling from Ottawa to Toronto twice a week in order to attend. “This type of comprehensive mural training isn’t offered in my city,” noted artist Kalkidan Assefa, “so despite the distance I consider it a worthwhile investment in my career as an artist.”

The program is part of the Mural Art Learning Institute, a Mural Routes initiative funded by a three-year, $565,100 Grow grant made in 2015 by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Government of Ontario. Thanks to this support, the 60-hour program is offered entirely free of charge.


Mural Routes is the only member-based, not-for-profit art service organization in Canada dedicated to the creation, development, and promotion of public wall art. Their vision is to inspire the creation of extraordinary public wall art that serves as a catalyst for community building. In late 2015, Mural Routes was awarded an Ontario Trillium Foundation Grow Grant for the purpose of expanding their existing education and mentorship programs into the Mural Art Learning Institute (MURALi).

An agency of the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is one of Canada’s largest granting foundations. With a budget of over $136 million, OTF awards grants to some 1,000 projects every year to build healthy and vibrant Ontario communities. »

-submitted by Mural Routes
Read Mural Routes profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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