« Date: Wednesday May 8th, 2019
Location: Toronto Media Arts Centre, 32 Lisgar Street
Mural Map of Canada Edit-a-thon & *New* Mural Map of Canada Launch
Time: 6-7pm
Learn about the new and improved Mural Map of Canada. Leave your mark and help us grow the map at this hour long edit-a-thon. We will have laptops set up to accommodate your mural map submissions!
What to bring: Digital photos and details of murals to add to the Mural Map, such as: full address of mural, mural artist(s), date created, organization responsible, style of mural, any necessary acknowledgements, description/backstory. We recommend bringing your images on a USB, however there will be WiFi and the opportunity to sign-in to any cloud-based account if need be.

Mix, Mingle, Murals!
Time: 7- 8:30pm
Connect with new and familiar faces at an informal evening of networking.
Share your projects from this season, and plans for next season.
Cost: Free to Mural Routes members, $5 for non-members (suggested donation)
Light refreshments will be provided.
For more information contact: Tara Dorey, Program Director, at 416-698-7995 or programs[at]muralroutes.ca
Building accessibility: https://policies.tomediaarts.org/procedure-manual/policies/accessibility«
-from Mural Routes
Read Mural Routes profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map