Mural Production Handbook | Featured Resource

Mural Production Handbook | Featured Resource


The Mural Production Handbook is a great resource guide for anyone who is planning or working on a mural project. This is a very detailed resource full of useful information for muralists.

The handbook covers a broad range of topics related to mural production and preservation; it includes tips on fundraising and budget planning before a project even gets started. It also includes a sample artist contract and background information about murals and intellectual property rights. For when the mural is completed, there are marketing tips and a promotional checklist.

The guide also includes helpful information about conservation, and important guidelines for choosing the right site. Detailed information is included about how to prepare and protect the wall, and which materials to use in different situations. Because Mural Routes has well over 20 years of experience in mural production and preservation, the information about longer term maintenance concerns – including northern-specific issues, like snowdrift – is especially valuable. If you are just getting started with public mural projects, this guide gives you the chance to learn from the experience of other muralists.

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To learn about more the Mural Production Handbook or Mural Routes’ Mural Map of Canada, please visit the ArtBridges Resource Portal.

-Skye Louis, ArtBridges Info Resource Developer
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