Pas d’Radis Fiscaux : l’État d’Urgence; Connecting Arts and Homelessness (Montréal, Nov 16-19) – Artbridges

Pas d’Radis Fiscaux : l’État d’Urgence; Connecting Arts and Homelessness (Montréal, Nov 16-19)

Pas d’Radis Fiscaux : l’État d’Urgence; Connecting Arts and Homelessness (Montréal, Nov 16-19)

« Du 16 au 19 novembre prochains, Place Émilie-Gamelin, aura lieu notre événement d’éradication des inégalités Pas d’Radis Fiscaux : l’État d’Urgence qui proposera un bouillonnement d’œuvres interdisciplinaires inédites sur l’écart des richesses, tout en continuant sa tradition d’inclusion et de services offerts aux plus démunis. Partagez l’événement !

Toute la programmation :

This coming November 16 to 19 at Place Émilie-Gamelin, ATSA, When Art Takes Action will hold an event called Pas d’Radis Fiscaux : l’État d’Urgence to promote the eradication of inequality. Featuring a multitude of original interdisciplinary works on the theme of wealth disparity, it will continue in the tradition of our past fall events by promoting inclusiveness and providing services to the most underprivileged Montrealers.

Full program:

With One Voice and ATSA host a gathering of the Arts and Homelessness sector Friday 17 Nov 2017 at Place Émilie Gamelin, Montréal

Montréal Exchange 

« With One Voice is an international arts and homelessness movement that connects the sector worldwide, always with homeless people centrally involved. The exchange and events hosted during ATSA’s Festival will be the first time the arts/homelessness sector from Canada, USA and the UK have come together to share practice and build a stronger future together. Around 20 delegates will come together for six days from 13-19 November 2017 to share practice and methodology through discussions, presentations and practical workshops in participatory singing, Legislative Theatre and socially engaged art. A full schedule for the day is available here.

On Friday 17 November, With One Voice and ATSA invite you to join us for public discussions and workshops at the Festival, including an open invitation to cultural institutions and spaces to talk about how they work with people who have experienced homelessness. »

For more information, please visit With One Voice and ATSA.

-source : ATSA & With One Voice
Lire le profil d’ATSA dans notre répertoire et carte de l’art communautaire au Canada

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