Research to Practice (R2P) Talk Series (Artists’ Health Alliance, Toronto) – Artbridges

Research to Practice (R2P) Talk Series (Artists’ Health Alliance, Toronto)

Research to Practice (R2P) Talk Series (Artists’ Health Alliance, Toronto)


« The Research & Education Committee of the Artists’ Health Alliance is excited to share a new pilot education series we’ve been developing. The Research to Practice (R2P) Talk Series is a part of the Alliance’s commitment to the mental and physical wellbeing of professional artists and tertiary art students. We hope you’ll be able to join us for our second event on November 9th, 2016.

Stress, Coping, and Support: Psychosocial Considerations for Peak Performance
Wednesday Nov 9 2016 @ 12:15-1:30pm

Hosted by: Ryerson University School of Performance
Location: 345 Yonge Street, Studio Theatre
Speaker: Dr. Katherine Tamminen, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education

Pre-performance anxiety. Emotional contagion. The car ride home. Perfectionism and burnout. In this talk, Dr. Katherine Tamminen explores psychosocial factors in the development and maintenance of peak performance as well as ways that coaches, teachers and parents can support the healthy development of talented performers and artists.

Dr. Katherine Tamminen is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education at the University of Toronto and has worked as a consultant with athletes and performers at all levels.

To register, call (416) 351-0239 or visit

The Research to Practice (R2P) Talk Series investigates the mental and physical health of artists as well as performance science, the study of how to train and prepare for greater excellence and injury prevention. Talks draw on research to make practical applications in the lives of artists as well as those who train and treat them. Musculoskeletal issues, psychology and mental wellbeing, ergonomics, instructional theory, neuroscience and the pragmatics of sustaining an artist’s career are all on the table.

The Artists’ Health Alliance is committed to enhancing the wellbeing of professional performing and creative artists as well as students in, and teachers at, recognized post-secondary arts institutions. The Artists’ Health Alliance was formed with a vision of creating a centre for holistic treatment and comprehensive health education and outreach.

If your personal or professional network might be interested in this opportunity we hope you will forward the information to them or direct them to our Facebook event page here:« 

-submitted by Artists’ Health Alliance
Read Artists’ Health Alliance’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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