Very Special Arts / Art / Education / Employment Disabilities Conference (Creative Spirit Art Centre, Toronto) – Artbridges

Very Special Arts / Art / Education / Employment Disabilities Conference (Creative Spirit Art Centre, Toronto)

Very Special Arts / Art / Education / Employment Disabilities Conference (Creative Spirit Art Centre, Toronto)

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Conference on Special Artists: Art, Education, Employment and Disabilities

« The conference is June 2 , 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at Metro Hall room 310, funded by the Ontario Arts Council. Target: employment for persons with long-term disabilities in the cultural industry.

Special Artists: Art, Education, Employment and Disability is presenting successful models for supported employment developed in Canada, California and Japan.

Sheltered workshops are being closed down and there should be new programs to provide viable employment opportunities for people living with long term disabilities. This conference is providing solutions in the presentation of successful existing models. I hope to convince the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services and the Ministry of Education to consider the creation of programs which can provide training, employment, income and integration into the cultural economy in Canada.

It is with great pleasure we invite you to attend the 2016 CSAC Conference,

Conference, 2016, Thursday June 2, 2016
Metro Hall, Room 310
55 John Street, Toronto, ON. M5V 3C6

“Very Special Artists/ Art, Education, Employment, Disability”

Professional Art Employment Access for Artists with Disabilities

Keynote Speaker; Pamela Cushing, Disability Studies, King’s College, University of Western Ontario

The AODA Access for Ontarians with Disabilities Act was a major change in access to services to disabled persons in Ontario. The next step for people living with long term disabilities is the creation of employment opportunities including long term jobs in the non-traditional arts and crafts sectors.

Limit of 50 spaces are available for registration. Registration is free.

This conference is made possible through a grant from the Ontario Arts Council. »

For Registration Form and program, please contact:

Visit Creative Spirit Art Centre’s website for more information on this conference.

-submitted by Ellen Anderson, Creative Spirit Art Centre
Read Creative Spirit Art Centre’s profile on ArtBridges’ Directory and Map of Community-Engaged Arts

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