Wall Art Learning Series (WALS): Graffiti Art (Scarborough, ON)

Wall Art Learning Series (WALS): Graffiti Art (Scarborough, ON)

« Wall Art Learning Series (WALS): Graffiti Art

What: A full-day workshop including a theoretical overview of graffiti art style and culture, and time for hands-on practice and learning technique with aerosol spray paint.

Who: Instructor – Evond Blake is a Canadian multidisciplinary visual artist who has worked under the pseudonym MEDIAH for 21 years. An Internationally renowned visual artist, MEDIAH is a trendsetter sparking new ideas and originality inspired by blurring the lines between post-graffiti and dynamic abstraction.

When: Saturday, July 7th from 10am-4pm
Where: Mural Routes, 1859 Kingston Rd.
Cost: $40 for Mural Routes members, $50 for non-members.

Register here

For more information: 416-698-7995 or programs@muralroutes.ca »

-submitted by Mural Routes
Read Mural Routes profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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