4Cs Foundation Grants for Creative Connections (Halifax)

4Cs Foundation Grants for Creative Connections (Halifax)

« The 4Cs Foundation would like to remind interested groups, organizations, and schools of the approaching October 15, 2011 deadline for grant applications to the foundation.

The 4Cs Foundation funds community arts projects that foster the development of relationships and connections between young people and others in their community. We recognize « community arts » as an umbrella practice sheltering many arts disciplines, populations, and social contexts of cultural activity. That said, 4Cs community arts projects are specifically about young people and others coming together with a professional artist(s) to collaboratively create artistic activities or works. Projects embody the principles of arts-based community development. That is, principles of collaboration and engagement with one another through transformative creative experiences at a community-based level. Artistic outcomes can give voice to a population, tell stories that have meaning to a community, illustrate through dance, music, movement or visual art the concerns, issues, pride, or history of a group of people or of a geographical location, such as a neighbourhood. 4Cs projects are inclusive, participatory, interactive, and create real connections between young people and others in their community through a sustained involvement with one another and the creative process.

4Cs defines the word « community » broadly as a group of people within a geographical locale or as a community of self-determined identity. Please visit our website www.4csfoundation.com for more information. In particular read the page « Applying for a Grant. » »

– submitted by Terri Whetstone, Executive Director, 4Cs Foundation
Suite 104, 5663 Cornwallis Street, Halifax, NS B3K 1B6, (902)422-4805

Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map for more  information.
Read Artbridges’ profile on 4Cs Foundation here

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