Project Boomerang: An interactive performance workshop that examines the predicament of Millennials (Toronto)

Project Boomerang: An interactive performance workshop that examines the predicament of Millennials (Toronto)

Project Boomerang
« PROJECT BOOMERANG examines the predicament of Millennials in their workshop production!

“…what millennials have in common is a lack of trust in authority, widespread tolerance, parental closeness, a desire to compromise and “a level of optimism that most people think is almost silly.” – Jack MacKenzie, President of Magid Generational Strategies.‘For Millennials, a Generational Divide’. New York Times, Dec. 2013

“If you were born after 1985, there’s no way you have ever developed any skills of any kind. You’ve obviously only relied on electronic devices, which require no know-how or experience to operate proficiently.” – Kevin Bacon, interview with Mar. 2014

Everyone from Time Magazine to Kevin Bacon has weighed in on the plight of Millennials, born from 1980- 2000, in articles and blogs ranging from harsh to sympathetic. Our worst critics have called us lazy, entitled, even psychopathic, while others define us as an entrepreneurial generation, eschewing stability for opportunity and redefining traditional notions of success.

On April 25th and 26th at St. Luke’s Church, Mixed Company Theatre’s Emerging Artists are performing their workshop production in response to the overwhelming media attention on Millennials. Project Boomerang’s nine emerging artists have come from diverse artistic backgrounds to form a collective and create a fresh perspective on the issues surrounding Millennials. Project Boomerang goes beyond the media hype to ask the tough questions around expectation, entitlement and adaptability. “What exactly is the problem? Are we to blame for our lack of employment prospects? Can the problem be fixed or is it time to learn to adapt?”

Follow the 12-step program with Project Boomerang in an inter-active performance workshop that uses multimedia, sound, found text, and movement to investigate these realities. Join the group as we seek to find a solution to post-graduation job opportunities, staggering student debt, and the high cost of living in comparison with previous generations.

Unemployment Unanimous; A 12 step program for Millennials
April 25th and 26th, 2014
Show begins at 8PM
Mixed Company Theatre
157 Carlton Street, Toronto ON, M5A 2K3
$10.00: artists, students, seniors, unemployed
$15.00: gainfully employed

Created and performed by Kristin Bartlett, Emma Bulpin, Nicole De Angelis, Jenna Harris, Emma
Letki, Erin McCluskey, Michael Reinhart, Aidan Sheppard and Meara Tubman-Broeren

For more information visit or
If you would like to donate, check out our Indigogo Campaign:

For more information and media inquiries, please contact:
Emma Bulpin, Emerging Artist, PROJECT BOOMERANG, Outreach and Communications, 416-515-8080 ex 26″

-press release and photo submitted by Emma Bulpin, PROJECT BOOMERANG

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